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Exploring Packaging Strategies of Nano-embedded Thermoelectric Generators

机译:纳米嵌入式热电堆封装策略探讨   发电机



Embedding nanostructures within a bulk matrix is an important practicalapproach towards the electronic engineering of high performance thermoelectricsystems. For power generation applications, it ideally combines the efficiencybenefit offered by low dimensional systems along with the high power outputadvantage offered by bulk systems. In this work, we uncover a few crucialdetails about how to embed nanowires and nanoflakes in a bulk matrix so that anoverall advantage over pure bulk may be achieved. First and foremost, we pointout that a performance degradation with respect to bulk is inevitable as thenanostructure transitions to being multi moded. It is then shown that a nanoembedded system of suitable cross-section offers a power density advantage overa wide range of efficiencies at higher packing fractions, and this rangegradually narrows down to the high efficiency regime, as the packing fractionis reduced. Finally, we introduce a metric - \emph{the advantage factor}, toelucidate quantitatively, the enhancement in the power density offered vianano-embedding at a given efficiency. In the end, we explore the maximumeffective width of nano-embedding which serves as a reference in designinggenerators in the efficiency range of interest.
机译:将纳米结构嵌入体基质是高性能热电系统电子工程学的重要实用方法。对于发电应用,它理想地结合了低尺寸系统提供的效率效益和散装系统提供的高功率输出优势。在这项工作中,我们发现了一些关于如何将纳米线和纳米薄片嵌入到块状基质中的关键细节,以便可以实现相对于纯块状的总体优势。首先,我们要指出的是,随着纳米结构转变为多模态,相对于体积的性能下降是不可避免的。然后显示出,具有合适横截面的纳米嵌入式系统在较高填充率下具有较宽效率范围内的功率密度优势,并且随着填充率降低,该范围逐渐缩小​​至高效状态。最后,我们引入一个指标-\ emph {the Advantage factor},以量化方式说明在给定效率下提供维亚纳诺嵌入的功率密度的提高。最后,我们探索了纳米嵌入的最大有效宽度,该宽度可在设计感兴趣的效率范围内的发电机时作为参考。



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